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责任编辑:谢长杉巴菲特最近对石油行业表现出了很大的兴趣,伯克希尔哈撒韦最近出资100亿美元支持Occidental Petroleum(OXY)收购Anadarko Petroleum(APC)。巴菲特称,这笔投资是对二叠纪盆地(permian basin)的押註。


(AlphaGo Zero which haslearned completely from scratch, from first principles withoutusing any human data and has achieved the highest level of performance overall。 The most important idea in AlphaGo Zero isthat it learns completely tabular rasa。 That meansit starts completely from a blank slate and figuresout for itself only from self-play, without any human knowledge, without anyhuman date, without any human examples or features or intervention from humans.It discovers how to play the game of Go completely from fist principles。 Sotabular rasa learning is extremely important to our goals and ambitions at DeepMind。 And the reason is that if you can achieve tabularasa leaning, you really have an agent that can be transplanted from the gameof Go to any other domain。 You untie yourself from the specifics of the domainyou’re in and you come up with an algorithm which is so general that it can beapplied anywhere。 For us the idea of AlphaGo is not to go out and defeathumans, but actually to discover what it means to do science, and for a programto be able to lean for itself what knowledge is。 So, what we start to see wasthat AlphaGo Zero not only rediscovered the common patterns and openings thathuman tend to play, these joseki patterns that human play in the corners。 Italso leaned them, discovered them and ultimately discarded them in preferencefor its own variants which humans don’t even know about or play at the moment。 And so wecan say that really what’s happened is that in a short space of time, AlphaGo Zero has understood all of the Go knowledgethat has been accumulated by humans over thousands of years of playing。 And it’s analyzedit and started to look at it and discover much of this knowledge for itself.And sometimes it’s chosen to actually to beyond that and come up with something which thehuman hadn’t even discovered in this time period。 And developed new pieces ofknowledge which were creative and novel in many ways。 )

